Top 9 Q&As About Mosquitoes in Spring

Warm weather is coming! That means short sleeves, blooming flowers, and more outdoor activities for all. Unfortunately, higher temperatures also attract some less than savory pests that can not only put a damper on any yard parties, but they can potentially be dangerous.

As soon as the temperature rises, so returns the nasty biting insect that can leave itchy welts and pass several deadly diseases: the mosquito. As the coming of spring in Pa. brings warmth, it is also the perfect time for mosquito eggs to hatch. If you want to put a stop to these pests before they cause an issue for your home, we are here to help.

How To Mosquito Proof Your Property This Spring: Top 9 Q&As About Mosquitoes- all they need is protein and warm water

9. When Do Mosquitoes Arrive?

These pests can be around much earlier than you think. While April and March are prime months for mosquitoes, they only need a temperature of 50 degrees to thrive. In fact, they never really go away. Mosquito eggs can remain suspended in water until the temps rise again.  Regardless, of the time of year, when it is warm enough, mosquito eggs will hatch.

8. What Do I Need To Watch Out For?

The female mosquito is constantly on the lookout for the perfect place to lay her eggs. Her ideal spot is a pool of stagnant water. These pests lay their eggs in warm, unmoving pools that can form just about anywhere. Puddles, melting snow piles, gutters, and birdbaths are just a few of the possible havens. When temperatures rise, it’s a good idea to check your yard for any potential spots.

7. When Do Mosquitoes Thrive?

Mosquitoes can thrive once temperatures hit more than 50 degrees. In fact, for these blood-sucking pests, the warmer the better. The mosquito population experiences huge growth in hot weather. Basically, the warmer the weather, the more mosquitoes. While they do drop in numbers during the winter, this doesn’t mean they will die. While the adults will perish, the eggs can live on.

How To Mosquito Proof Your Property This Spring: Top 9 Q&As About Mosquitoes- stagnant water and warmer temperatures bring are breeding grounds

6. Where Should I Be On The Lookout For Mosquitos?

If you happen to live in a warmer region, chances are you will have more mosquitoes. Places like Arizona and Florida will have an abundance of mosquitoes over somewhere like Alaska. Even Alaska experiences a mosquito influx, though for a much shorter time period. As soon as the temperatures rise, those pests will be there.

5. Where Else Can I Find Them?

Mosquitoes tend to linger around areas where they can lay their eggs, but you can encounter them just about anywhere. The prime spots are in damp, warm areas near ponds, lakes, or other still bodies of water. Additionally, you can find them in mud puddles, low lying areas, and places with thick vegetation or overgrown grass. In your yard, if anything catches water during rainfall, it can be a breeding ground: boats, tarps, pool covers, old tires, or even an overturned wheelbarrow. They do not need much; just still, warm water, and protein.

4. What Attracts Mosquitoes?

Female mosquitoes are on the lookout for two things: protein and a place to lay their eggs. The females need protein to create their eggs, and unfortunately, that’s bad news for any warm-blooded animal. She’ll bite just about anything for the blood to fuel her egg production, and there are plenty of viable targets. When she has blood, a female mosquito can lay a batch of 200-300 eggs.

How To Mosquito Proof Your Property This Spring: Top 9 Q&As About Mosquitoes- a bite can carry disease

3.  Are Mosquitoes More Than Mild Annoyances?

Yes; mosquitoes are known to carry very deadly diseases. A bite can transmit one of the following: West Nile Virus, Malaria, Yellow Fever, Dengue, and Zika Virus. These diseases are big in tropical regions – and tend to strike more often during a disaster. You don’t need to be in a tropical environment or in the midst of a disaster to worry about this. Mosquitoes and spread disease very fast, and there are a lot of them.

2.  Okay – No Stagnant Water. What Else Can I Do To Kill The Eggs?

You can take a few precautions to keep mosquitos away from your home. Clear away all brush and keep your lawn trimmed. These biting insects thrive in overgrown areas. Also, try not to overwater your garden yards. Mosquitoes don’t need much water to lay their eggs. If you have a pond on your property, adding mosquito-eating fish can help drop the population. Additionally, if you venture out, apply a repellent with at least 20% DEET. DEET does a great job of repelling other blood-sucking insects, like ticks as well.

1. Is There Something I Can Use To Keep Adult Mosquitoes Away?

If you want to trap and kill adult mosquitoes, CO2 Mosquito traps are the way to go. They attract female mosquitoes with warmth, CO2, and moisture. The biting insects are sucked in, trapped, and then they dehydrate. The most ideal time to set up these traps is in late March or early April. Doing so should catch these pests at their peak.

How To Mosquito Proof Your Property This Spring: Top 9 Q&As About Mosquitoes- use a repellent to keep the mosquitoes away

Staying Vigilant

Don’t let mosquitoes ruin your sleeveless season. Follow these simple tips and keep you and your family safe from these pests. If you think you may have a bigger mosquito problem than you can handle, consider contacting your local pest control expert to help protect your home.



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