With the summer months quickly approaching, you may start to notice those itchy mosquito bites popping up all over your body.

Mosquitoes are some of the most common summertime pests in Northern and Southern Pennsylvania, and most people experience at least a few bites each year. While most mosquito bites are harmless aside from the itchy red bumps they leave, these pests can spread a variety of diseases, including West Nile virus and malaria.

A mosquito yard spray is a great option for immediate relief from mosquito bites. Here are some of the best mosquito yard sprays on the market and some tips for effectively applying them.

How Do Mosquito Yard Sprays Work?

Mosquito yard sprays distribute a very fine mist of insecticides that only mosquitoes can detect. While most sprays start working immediately after being applied, it can take up to 24 hours for them to reach maximum effectiveness.

If you have pets or small children, keeping them inside and away from the sprayed area until the insecticide has dried, typically 30-60 minutes after application, is recommended.

Most mosquito yard sprays provide tick and mosquito control.

How Effective Are Yard Sprays?

It is important to note that mosquito yard sprays do not kill most mosquitoes but rather keep them away from your yard. Yard sprays will typically only kill mosquitoes that are present at the time the insecticide is being applied. That said, mosquito yard sprays are highly effective at keeping mosquitoes away and reducing your chances of being bitten by at least 80%.

Factors for Selecting a Mosquito Yard Spray

When it comes to choosing the right mosquito yard spray for you, there are several factors you will want to consider:

  • Do you need protection from other insects in addition to mosquitoes?
  • Do you have pets or children that spend a lot of time outdoors?
  • How long do you need protection?
  • Are there certain active ingredients you are interested in or want to avoid?
  • Do you prefer a particular brand?

Discussing these concerns with your local exterminator can help you select the right mosquito yard treatment and give you greater peace of mind.

Tips for Application

If you apply mosquito yard spray by yourself, it is imperative that you carefully follow the directions to ensure you are doing so safely and effectively. Wear proper safety gear, including a mask, gloves, and eye goggles.

If you have pets or small children, keep them far away from the area you are treating, but preferably in the house during this time.

It is also important to note that mosquito yard spray can take some time to dry fully, so keep that in mind if you plan to spend time outdoors the same day you apply the insecticide. You should also plan to apply your mosquito yard spray well in advance of any backyard events you may be planning, such as a cookout or birthday party.

Why You Should Hire a Professional Exterminator to Handle Yard Sprays

Whenever you are dealing with a pest problem, it is always wise to seek the help of a pest control professional. A professional exterminator will be able to inspect your property to assess the severity of the infestation and recommend a custom treatment plan to get rid of the mosquitoes on your property while keeping you and your loved ones safe. The chemicals used in mosquito yard sprays are very heavy-duty and can be toxic if ingested or mishandled, so your best bet is to leave it to a trusted professional.

Which Mosquito Repellents Are the Most Effective?

If you’re looking for an alternative to yard sprays, there are several mosquito repellents that may offer temporary relief.

Many products on the market claim to kill or ward off mosquitoes, but many of them have been proven to not work, such as insect repellent bracelets and mosquito traps. With that said, some of the most effective mosquito repellents include:


DEET works by confusing and interfering with a mosquito’s receptors on the antennae, deterring them from landing on human skin and leaving itchy bites.


Like DEET, Picaridin also works to deter mosquitoes by blocking their ability to sense their prey, making this a popular choice for mosquito prevention.

Essential Oils

Certain essential oils can be used to deter mosquitoes, with clove, cinnamon, and citronella oil being some of the most effective. These oils can be combined with water or witch hazel to make a DIY mosquito spray to combat mosquitoes and prevent them from biting.

Getting rid of mosquitoes is often a difficult task for homeowners to handle on their own. When bites become overwhelming, contact your local exterminator to inquire about mosquito yard sprays and how they can provide immediate relief for mosquitoes.


What is the best time to apply mosquito yard spray?

It is best to apply mosquito yard spray when mosquitoes are most active, typically at dawn and dusk. Apply the spray before noon and after 6 pm for the most effective results.

How long does mosquito yard spray last?

The time a mosquito yard spray application lasts depends on the specific insecticide used. However, most treatments last 4-8 weeks. After that, the spray must be reapplied to ensure you stay protected from these pests.

Are mosquito yard sprays safe for pets?

While your pets should be kept inside during a mosquito yard spray application, these insecticides are not typically harmful to cats and dogs once they dry. However, it is a good idea to mention that you have pets when talking with your pest control expert, as they may have advice or guidelines for keeping your pets safe.

Can I use mosquito yard spray on edible plants in my garden?

If you are growing edible plants in an area of your yard that is being treated for mosquitoes, you will want to talk to your exterminator for advice on keeping your plants safe. Depending on the type of insecticide being used, eating your fruits and vegetables may not be safe if they have come in contact with the chemicals. Also, most sprays will harm and deter honey bees and other pollinators from your garden.