They say the best offense is a good defense. Well, when it comes to pest control, prevention is always better than cure. 

Find out how to protect your homes from best using the best methods of preventative pest control

Why Pests Are Attracted to Your Home

Pests are attracted to homes for various reasons, but primarily because they are attracted to some food source. For example, crumbs on the floor or pet food left out overnight can be an easy magnet for pests if not properly disposed of.

Pests also use your home for shelter during extreme temperatures and weather conditions, such as the frigid winters. Other environmental factors can attract pests, too, such as moisture and humidity levels in some regions of your home that provide a hospitable environment for bugs and rodents.

In addition, there are other elements that may draw pests into your home without you even realizing it. For example, if you have wood piles stored near your house or compost bins close by, they can be attractive places for insects like ants and termites to nestle in before finding their way inside. 

Even small cracks around window sills or door frames can act as entry points for many types of bugs seeking refuge from the outdoors.

Leaving dirty dishes out overnight can be an invitation for cockroaches, as it provides them with easy access to food sources and much-needed water during dry spells when outdoor water sources become scarce. 

Clutter, such as stacks of newspapers or old furniture tucked away in corners, also provides plenty of hiding spots for mice and other rodents looking for a cozy spot to settle down in until they find something more permanent within your walls or attic space. 

Finally, outdoor lighting fixtures can also be responsible for attracting unwanted guests indoors; lights at night make it easier for flying insects like moths and mosquitoes to find their way inside through open windows or doors left unlocked after dark hours have passed. 

All these elements combined create an inviting atmosphere that will likely bring all sorts of critters crawling right up onto your doorstep.

In sum, understanding why pests are attracted to your home is the first step in preventing an infestation. To help you combat pests that enter your home, let’s discuss four types of pest control methods available to homeowners. 

3 Types of Pest Control Treatments

1. Chemical Pest Control:

Chemical pest control is the most common form of pest management. It involves the use of pesticides and insecticides to kill and prevent pests that enter your property. 

These chemicals are usually sprayed directly onto infested areas, and they can be in liquid, aerosol, powder, or granular form. 

The advantage of this method is that it’s fast-acting and effective against a wide range of pests. 

However, there are some drawbacks as well; chemical pesticides can cause health risks for humans and pets if not used properly and may also have an adverse effect on the environment.

2. Natural Pest Control:

There are natural pest control methods that involve the use of natural ingredients such as essential oils, herbs, plants, minerals, and other organic materials to deter pests from entering your home or business premises. This type of pest control is often preferred by those who want to avoid harsh chemicals due to the potential health risks associated with them. 

Examples include planting certain types of flowers near entry points which act as a natural repellent for insects like mosquitoes; setting up sticky traps around window sills; placing diatomaceous earth around baseboards; spraying vinegar solutions on ant trails; sprinkling cinnamon powder near cracks where cockroaches enter and so forth.

3. Biological Pest Control:

Biological pest control uses living organisms such as predators (e.g., ladybugs) or parasites (e.g., nematodes) to target specific species of pests without harming beneficial insects like bees and butterflies that help pollinate our food crops. 

This method has been found to be more sustainable than chemical treatments since it does not leave behind any harmful residues in the environment after application–making it safer for people’s health too. 

The downside, however, is that biological controls take longer than traditional methods because you need time for the predator/parasite population to build up before they start attacking your targeted pests effectively. As a result, biological pest control is best used as a preventative method instead of a cure for pests. 

No matter which pest control method you choose, it is important to understand that the best way to prevent a pest infestation is by taking proactive steps. Professional pest control services can provide more comprehensive solutions and guarantee results.

That’s why we recommend regular pest inspections as part of any preventative pest control package. 

Regular inspections help detect any signs of pests early onBenefits of Regular Pest Inspections

Regular inspections help detect any signs of pests early on so that appropriate action can be taken quickly to prevent further damage or health risks.

For residential customers, regular pest inspections are especially important because it helps them identify any possible entry points for pests into their home. Inspections also allow homeowners to check for any existing infestations that may have gone unnoticed until now. 

By detecting the presence of pests early on, homeowners can take preventive measures such as sealing off cracks and crevices around windows and doors where pests could enter from outside.

Commercial businesses should also consider scheduling regular pest inspections since a single infestation could potentially lead to costly damages or legal liabilities if left unchecked. 

Professional inspectors will be able to detect signs of an active infestation and areas where there is a potential risk of one occurring in the future due to conducive conditions, such as moisture buildup or inadequate sanitation practices within the premises. 

Inspections allow business owners to take corrective actions immediately before the situation gets out of hand, resulting in lost time and money spent on repairs or replacements caused by pest-related damages.

5 Tips to Prevent a Pest Infestation

1. Keep a Clean Home

Pests are attracted to trash and clutter inside and outside of the home. That’s why we recommend:

  • Disposing of any loose trash
  • Sealing all trash bags
  • Eliminate any standing water
  • Mowing your yard
  • Getting rid of any leaves or debris
  • Cleaning basements and attics regularly
  • Moving large or loose objects to a storage unit

Keeping a clean home is not a foolproof way to prevent pests, like bed bugs or house termites, but it might be enough to keep cockroaches away, who are attracted to food sources in your home. 

2. Seal Off Entry Points

Stop pests from physically entering your home by sealing off any cracks or gaps in your exterior, roof, or basement spaces. 

Consider turning the lights off in your basement or attic during the day to see where light can peak through your home and filling the gap with a spray foam solution. 

3. Know What Pests Are Local to Your Area

Understanding what pests are native to your area and their seasonal habits can help you prepare for any potential infestation. For example, prepping your yard and eliminating standing water to prevent gnats and mosquitos from infesting the property will help you enjoy those summer BBQs in the backyard without getting attacked. 

4. Get Regular Inspections

For the best-guaranteed. protection, we highly recommend getting regular inspections. Not only will exterminators detect the presence of any pests in your home, but they will also help you prevent pests by identifying potential entry points and food sources. 

5. Call the Professionals When a Pest Infestation Arrives

Once prevention fails, your only recourse should be to call a professional exterminator. A pest control expert will help you eliminate any standing infestations before additional damage has occurred. 

Pest infestation can be a serious problem for both residential and commercial properties. Taking the necessary steps to prevent pests from entering your property is essential in keeping your home or business safe and healthy. 

The best way to prevent pest infestation is by utilizing a combination of chemical, natural, biological, and preventive methods. Additionally, regular inspections are key in detecting any potential problems early on before they become more serious issues. 

Professional pest control services may also be beneficial if DIY solutions don’t seem to work effectively. By taking these proactive measures, you can ensure that your property remains pests-free.


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