Monthly Preventative Pest Control

Keeping pests out is a hard job. Once your unwanted house guests find a way inside, it can be difficult to make them leave. The best way to stop this headache is to catch the problem before it starts.

Protecting your home from invaders is paramount, and it can be taken care of with a few easy precautions. To keep pests out, it’s important to remain vigilant and perform monthly preventive maintenance.

To stay on top of your pest control prevention, here are 13 easy precautions you can take ward off pests and why it’s necessary to do them.

13. Seal up Cracks

Weather and time can be cruel, especially to your property. The longer your home sits, the more wear and tear it will suffer. With that aging comes cracks, holes, and little opportunities for pests to invade.

Invaders like mice, cockroaches, and other creatures don’t need much space to slip into your home. Sometimes a crack in the window or doorway is all it takes. To avoid any surprise house guests, do routine checks around your home’s exterior, and seal up any cracks you find.

Monthly Preventative Pest Control | 13 Tips and Why It’s Necessary- keep it clean

12. Keep It Clean

An easy way to prevent pests monthly is to keep your home clean. The inside should be cleaned from floor to ceiling. Pests often search for a warm place to nest that offers plenty of food and nesting. If cleaning falls by the wayside, you are handing critters an open invitation.

Keep your home tidy, especially in rooms like the kitchen and dining room. Any food left unattended, whether it’s a splash from a boiling pot or a leftover pizza box, can serve as lunch to unwanted creatures. Without a source of food or ample living space, pests will look elsewhere.

11. Trimming the Verge

Most pests are drawn to overgrown areas. The damp and lush overgrowth provides a wonderful hiding place, and if it’s close to a food source, they may not ever want to leave. This can prove to be dangerous, especially with parasites like fleas or ticks. To avoid any blood-thirsty hitch-hikers, regular yard maintenance is key.

10. Clear Yard Waste

Once you’ve cleared out your yard, it’s best not to leave any piles lying around. Like with overgrowth, yard waste is an enticing place for pests; it provides shelter and nesting material. Even firewood can be an issue if kept too close to the house. Disposing of yard waste and keeping it distant from your home is just one easy step to avoid an infestation.

9. Keep Garbage Closed

Garbage is not just a monthly problem – it occurs daily. As our waste piles up, it needs to go somewhere, and it often lands in a garbage can inside, a canister outside, or one big dumpster.

The longer garbage sits, the higher a chance for pests. Invaders like mice and rats look for a source of food when they want to nest. Open garbage is like an invitation. Empty your garbage regularly and see that it is properly disposed of. Check your cans, lids, and bags and keep pests out.

8. Store your food

Like with garbage, food storage is crucial for keeping pests away. When food is left out or isn’t stored properly, invaders like flies and cockroaches can sneak in for a snack. When left open, pests can contaminate your food spreading sickness and disease. Keeping your food in air-tight containers, including pet food, is a good way to ward off intruders.

7. Gut Your Gutters

A stuffed gutter can be a draw for many outdoor pests. Any gutter with standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitos and a draw to other pests. Checking your gutter routinely will keep them clean, flowing and pest free.

6. Seal off Entryways

While cracks and holes are a problem, sometimes necessary vents can be a bigger issue. Open chimneys can be a haven for bats, while a vent can let insects inside. While it’s impossible to cover up every hole, you can shield it with mesh wire.

Though you only need to apply it once, it’s important to check these areas to maintain that protection.

Monthly Preventative Pest Control | 13 Tips and Why It’s Necessary- keep kitchen clean

5. Kitchen Maintenance

Kitchens are a draw to humans and pests alike. It is the main hub where we store our food and prepare our meals. Pests are constantly on the lookout for food. The best way to prevent an invasion is to keep the kitchen tidy.

Unlike the rest of your house, the kitchen is like a beacon. It’s important to deep clean this room at least once a month and maintain cleanliness in between. Keep an eye on appliances, storage, and any surrounding areas to keep your kitchen pest-free.

4. Watch Your Pipes

Pests looking for a new home need three main things: food, shelter, and water. Some creatures like rats and mice follow water to their next destination. To keep any unwanted critters out, you should check your pipes and drainage systems.

A damp basement can be enticing to silverfish and open drains make a good entryway. Try to routinely check your pipes to avoid any mishaps.

3. Look High and Low

While pests can find a cozy spot anywhere in your home, the two areas that pests hideaway are often at opposite sides: the attic and the basement. These are areas that either have storage, pipes, or less foot traffic making them ideal hiding spots.

It’s important to check and clean these rooms often to spot any potential infestations.

2. Declutter Your Life

Monthly maintenance is the best course of action to keep away any potential invaders. Whether you need to clean out your yard, basement, or refrigerator, keeping any clutter or build-up to a minimum can help keep pests away.

It’s not enough to do a deep cleaning once a year, staying on top of your daily accumulation can save you from a headache in the end.

Monthly Preventative Pest Control | 13 Tips and Why It’s Necessary- home inspection

1. Get Inspections

After doing what you can on your own, it’s always a good idea to seek a professional to ease your fears. If you have had an infestation or want to be certain your house is up-to-par, you can reach out to a professional pest control expert. By taking these steps monthly, you can live-worry free from pests.

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