Coming in all shapes and sizes and sometimes buzzing right past your ear, a beetle is one bug that everyone encounters. A common insect, these little creatures can range from pest to an essential part of the ecosystem.

But why are these bugs such a problem at this time of year? Sure, a legion of beetles inside your home is cause for alarm, but it seems these hard-shelled critters are showing up left and right. Here’s a closer look at what beetles are and why they are so common today.

these little creatures can range from pest to an essential part of the ecosystem

What is a Beetle?

The beetle is a prevalent insect, one of the most common across the globe, with many varieties, ranging in size, shape, and color. Beetles have layered wings. The first part is a hard and thick protective shell covering the second layer, which is far more fragile. Typically, beetles have chewing mouthparts, rather than “sucking” or piercing mouths.

Beetles don’t have particularly good eyesight, but they communicate in various ways, such as pheromones, sounds, or vibrations. With such a variety, these creatures thrive just about anywhere.

Why are There so Many Beetles Right Now?

Quite frankly, there will always be plenty of beetles, no matter the time or the place. You’ll find beetles practically everywhere. There are more than 300,000 species known and more that we probably don’t know about. They can be found on land, in water, and in just about any climate. They are not limited to familiar territory either; these little creatures can be found underground, in swamps, the middle of a desert, or in the trees.

No matter where you are, you’re going to be near a beetle. However, depending on the species, they are more active during certain seasons.

can be found on land, in water, and in just about any climate

Which Seasons are Beetles Most Active?

Again, how active beetles tend to be correlated with the species, and often, the seasons they are most active is when they are mating. Most beetle species mate in the spring or summer, which can account for the sudden increase around your home or backyard. Adults mate and females tend to lay their eggs near or on a food source. Again, these actions are very dependent on the species, and this also affects how long these insects live.

In most cases, beetles don’t live for more than a year. However, their life spans can range anywhere between 13 weeks to 12 years. That’s a long time to deal with a beetle problem. Usually, larger beetles live longer, and most typically hatch during the summer months.

Why are Beetles Important to the Ecosystem?

Beetles are more than just hard-shelled insects that buzz around the backyard. Since there is such a wide variety, they have different roles in the ecosystem, and some are more critical than others. Some beetle species help get rid of decaying matter and take care of the waste we leave behind.

Others do their part, like Ladybugs, and kill off other pests. Additionally, beetles can help pollinate flowers while decomposing and eating dead trees. Recently, beetles have been used to cut down on weeds, which beats weed whacking. However, as helpful as these little creatures can be, some can be horrible little pests.

Why are Beetles a Problem?

While certain species like fireflies or ladybugs can be helpful, there are quite a few beetles that can cause some real damage to both your home and your garden. Starting in the inside, certain beetle types are known for damaging wood, and furniture. Carpet beetles are known for chewing away at carpets, wool, and other items in your home. They can ruin clothing, decor, and carpeting quite easily.

Woodworm or deathwatch beetles are fans of chewing away on wood and furniture, which can damage way more than just parts of your home. Wood-eating insects can cause severe structural damage if they can carry on unchecked.

Beetles don’t have to be destructive to be annoying. Asian lady beetles often trick us into believing they are their more helpful “cousin,” the lady buy, but this overwinter pest will sneak inside your home and hatch during the spring. They can often leave foul-smelling yellow streaks on your walls, swarm near lights, and can be quite dangerous to pets. Some beetle species can bite, are poisonous, or spit acid, though these are not as common. You’re unlikely to find the latter variety hanging out in your garden.

However, beetles can be very destructive to crops and gardens. Weevils and potato beetles are especially harmful to farmers. So, while some species can help our environment, others can be quite destructive.

However, beetles can be very destructive to crops and gardens

Concluding Thoughts

Beetles are just about everywhere. With over 300,000 species, you are bound to find these little insects anywhere you go. Keep in mind, most species are beneficial and are essential parts of our ecosystem. However, some of them can just be a pest. If you are experiencing a beetle infestation, consider contacting a pest control expert to assess and deal with your issue.


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