With Pennsylvania’s long history in beekeeping, it’s not surprising to find an active bee hive in residential and commercial places across the state. 

While some laws and regulations hold beekeeping in check, these are only understandable by humans. Bees can still form colonies and create bee hives under locations like your roof or deck if they choose to do so.

Homeowners must always be wary of the most common indications signaling that a bee hive is near their property. Ignoring these signs can have a compounding, negative effect. Colonies may split and create additional bee hives nearby and eventually take residence in your house. The closer an active bee hive is to a home, the greater the risk it poses to the household.

If your property is currently harboring an active bee hive, some of the dangers you may encounter include:

  • Damage to your home’s structure, such as in walls, chimneys, or roofs
  • Attract other pests such as rodents and insects due to the hive’s odor
  • Harm house guests, neighbors, or passersby, which can cause liability issues
  • Sting your household if the bees feel threatened

Fortunately, identifying the signs of an active bee hive infestation can help remove them early on – before the bee colony gets any bigger.

Signs There’s an Active Bee Hive Infestation

Spotting a bee hive doesn’t necessarily mean there’s an active colony inside. Some have bees huddled inside, while others are dormant. So how can you tell if a bee hive is currently active? Here are three tell-tale signs you should look for:

1. Increase in Bee Activity

It’s easy to spot an active bee hive except during winter. The bees stay inside their hive in the cold months, huddling close to the queen to give her warmth. But during the other seasons, these bees could never be busier.

So if there’s an active bee hive near your house, you’ll immediately notice an increasing number of bees flying around. In worst cases, you could start hearing their loud and incessant buzzing in and around your property as these bees try to invade your home.

You can simply observe the flight path of these bees to determine the general direction of where their nest is.

2. Active Nest is Present

In some cases, you may not see honey bees flying around. But if you spot a nest on your property, you may want to observe if bees are still using it. Sometimes, these insects may be going on foraging trips to local flowers far from your home but are building comb or already have their hive built on your property.

From a safe distance, check if you can see some noticeable bee activity, such as bees coming in and leaving the nest. Bees usually construct their hives underneath a home’s floorboards, inside small holes or cracks on the wall, and in your garden shed or garage.

Remember that it’s always wise not to disturb the hive – regardless of whether bees are actively using the nest or not. The best thing to do if you find a bee hive on your property is to call a professional to do the pest control.

3. Dark Patches on the Wall

Don’t worry if you haven’t found where the actual nest is. An active bee hive can still reveal itself – even if it’s well hidden. Dark patches will inevitably appear on the walls and ceilings if there’s a bees’ nest hiding within the walls. As the honey starts to overflow and seep out of the honeycomb, it will trickle onto the inside walls.

If left alone, the wood above your ceiling or drywall can get destroyed by honey. In addition, this could also attract other insects and pests in your area, which can result to even more structural damage to your home.

bees coming in and leaving the nest

Other Bee Hive Concerns You Should Know

Aside from knowing these three signs, it’s also essential to deeply understand how the hive works and other significant information so you can better assess your situation.

How Long Do Bee Hives Stay Active?

A bee hive’s state mainly depends on the queen bee’s reign. A typical queen bee lives between two and five years. But the bee colony replaces the queen every two years if her productivity dips very low. Thus, a bee hive can stay active for years as long as there is a queen and a good food source in the area.

When it comes to season, bees are most active in the spring and summer months. Don’t get fooled by the seemingly inactive hive during winter. Most of the time, the bees stay inside to keep the colony and the queen warm throughout the cold season.

What Do Bees Do in the Hive?

Each bee in the colony performs an activity based on its role. Bees follow a strict hierarchical system which makes them very efficient.

First, the queen bee is the reproductive center of the hive, laying up to 1,500 eggs per day. Then, there are the male drones whose only purpose is to mate with the queen, dying immediately after mating. Finally, the female worker bees are responsible for every other job, including caring for the queen, guarding the hive, and producing honey.

What To Do If You Discover a Bee Hive

If you find a bees’ nest on your property, the best approach is to leave the hive undisturbed and call in a pest control professional. Removing a colony is not as easy as destroying the hive – it requires a specialized process that often involves cutting through the walls or siding.

Also, let everyone in the household know about the current situation and warn them to stay away from the hive. It’s also best to find a way to inform your neighbors and passersby about the situation. This way, you can prevent them from getting stung by a bee.

Don’t leave the matters in your own hands or completely ignore a bee hive on your property. After finding evidence that a bee hive is present, put your trust in reputable pest control professionals to mitigate the problem. They have the experience and equipment necessary to neutralize the situation and restore the safety of your home.

Do you need help in removing a bee hive? Contact Pest Rangers below for an instant quote and schedule.