Fall is a beautiful time in PA; as the leaves begin to change and the weather shifts from sweltering to crisp and fresh, there’s nothing better.

One of the most notable benefits of the seasonal shift comes from reducing common outdoor pests as they make their way to hibernation or end their life cycle. However, while you may notice a reduction of pests outdoors, you’ll likely be shocked to find the number of intruders in your home rapidly increasing!

From ants and cockroaches to mice and other invasive rodents, Fall brings a new wave of pests out of the cold and into the warmth of your home to prepare for the Winter. In the following article, we’ll go over Northeast PA’s top fall pests, the reasons why they migrate indoors, and your options to keep them outside where they belong!

What Are Northeast PA’s Top Fall Pests? And Why Are They More Active In Fall?

Northeast PA is known for its mountainous topography and lush deciduous trees, which are home to several insect species. For example, several pests thrive in the native counties that make up Northeast PA, including insects, spiders, and rodents.

To get an idea of what to expect this fall, let’s go over some of the most common pest species in NEPA.


PA is full of various insects, ranging from bees and ants to beetles and cockroaches, all of which you’ll be unhappy to find roaming around your kitchen at night this Fall. Some of the most common pests in this category include:

  • Bees, wasps, and hornets
  • Asian lady beetles
  • Cockroaches (Brown-banded German, American, and oriental)
  • Stink bugs
  • Box elder bugs
  • Bed bugs

Most insects become more active during the fall months in preparation for hibernation, often concentrating their focus on loading up on carbohydrate-rich foods to survive throughout the Winter in their dormant state.

Insects such as the Asian lady beetle, box elder bug, and stink bug are all “overwintering” insects, meaning that they’re normally inactive from Fall to Spring. However, these insects prefer to spend their dormant period indoors to reduce the energy depleted during this period, giving themselves a better chance of surviving the harsh seasons ahead. As such, these pests are frequently observed sneaking through gaps in windows, doors, and siding.

Wasps and bees, on the other hand, are often more active and aggressive during the Fall months due to the sheer size increase of their colonies. Bees and other stinging/flying insects tend to use the Summer months to allow their populations to flourish.

Once larvae reach maturity and their hives are overwhelmed, they’ll seek out new locations to build their dwellings, often resulting in fresh nests in soffits, crevices, and existing holes in wooden structures, hence the rampant increase in activity near your home.

Cockroaches differ slightly from other insects, traveling indoors primarily to avoid going into a state of “diapause,” a condition in which their metabolism slows, and they’re unable to reach full maturity.

rampant increase in the spider population in the Fall


While closely related to insects, spiders make up an entirely different class of arthropods entitled “Arachnida.” This class contains spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, and several other 8-legged pests. Some of the most common spiders in PA include:

  • Wolf spiders
  • Orb weavers
  • Funnel weavers
  • Widows
  • Jumping spiders
  • Cellar spiders (daddy long legs)

While you may be familiar with finding spider webs throughout your house year-long, it’s not uncommon to see a rampant increase in the spider population in the Fall. This is their primary mating season, and as such, they’ll become more active and bold in search of potential mates.


It’s also not uncommon to see an increase in Pennsylvania rodent populations in the Fall, including:

  • Norway rats
  • House mice

Both critters are recognizable by their furry bodies and long, hairless tails; however, house mice remain relatively small, while the common Norway rat can grow to sizes ranging from 7-9 inches in length! During the Fall months, rodents tend to find their way into homes in search of food and shelter from the cold, making your home a welcome sight. In addition, both mammals have short gestation periods of only three weeks, allowing their populations to grow rapidly if left unchecked.

Tips to Prevent Fall Infestations

While you’re bound to find a pest or two roaming your living room in the colder months, there are several ways to prevent pest infestation and keep your home relatively pest-free.

DIY solutions include:

Preventing Entry. Using professional-grade caulking and weatherstripping, seal all gaps in siding, doors, windows, crawl spaces, and attics to eliminate potential entry points. Ensure that all windows, screen doors, and crawl space/attic vents are fitted with proper screens, and confirm that they’re thoroughly affixed.

Trimming Brush and Clearing Debris. Most pests use debris and overgrown vegetation to hide and enter your home. By cleaning up your yard and keeping trees and shrubs a good distance from your home’s foundation and siding, you’ll have a better chance of pest prevention.

Local Insecticides. Several insecticide treatments are designed for preventative use rather than controlling an active infestation. By treating your home’s foundation, doorways, windows, and other potential points of entry, you can significantly lessen the chance of insects making their way into your home in the Fall months.

If all else fails, professional assistance is always recommended to treat your home once and for all. Here at The Pest Rangers, we offer various services to keep your home pest-free year-round, including 3 tiers of service that guard against 40 different insects and rodents. With quarterly visits and routine servicing, you can sleep soundly this Fall, knowing your house is protected.

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